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02.09.22 - Call 4: Developers' Call

For the full context on the process please visit the following link.


CALL 4 - Call with the Developers

DATE: Friday 2nd September 2022

TIME: 13:00-14:30 CEST / 7:00-8:30 EDT / 16:30-18:00 IST / 19:00-20:30 CST


AUDIENCE: Open participation. The attendance is free for all participants and is open to the public, whether or not 5G-MAG members.

Call 4 - Agenda - 5G Media Use Cases and Applications

After having received a total of 23 use-cases and detected the main functions required to be implemented, it is time to exchange with the developers' team.

JOIN CALL 4, scheduled on Friday 2nd September 2022 to discuss.

Those who have already participated in previous calls do not have to register again as the same Zoom link will be used.

REGISTER NOW if that is not the case..


Follow the process here.


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