5G-MAG is providing a lighting talk at FOSDEM'24 within the Open Media devroom.
FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community for the community. The goal is to provide free and open source software developers and communities a place to meet to:
get in touch with other developers and projects;
be informed about the latest developments in the free software world;
be informed about the latest developments in the open source world;
attend interesting talks and presentations on various topics by project leaders and committers;
to promote the development and benefits of free software and open source solutions.
The Open Media room will focus on all Free & Open Source media projects, including software and hardware, spanning from building audio & video applications, through standards, formats, codecs, video analytics and search to Web video, IPTV, broadcasting and radio practices and much more. If you're interested in video, image or audio technologies, and the breadth of available open source technologies and communities for media.
If you are around at FOSDEM and would like to get more information on 5G-MAG and the REFERENCE TOOLS Development Programme, please reach out to Jordi J. Giménez (gimenez@5g-mag.com or https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordijoangimenez)
Visit developer.5g-mag.com for more information about 5G-MAG REFERENCE TOOLS and on-going projects.
DATE: 3rd and 4th February 2024
LOCATION: Brussels (Belgium)
INFORMATION ABOUT THE EVENT: https://fosdem.org/2024/