5G-MAG Workshop on “Media Production and 5G NPNs: Deep dive into media production protocols”
15th December 2021 – 15:00 to 17:00 CET, On-line Event
The 5G Media Action Group (5G-MAG) is organizing the workshop “Media Production and 5G Non-Public Networks: Deep dive into media production protocols”.
This interactive workshop aims at gathering input from different stakeholders in the media and ICT industries around the work in this 3GPP study: https://www.5g-mag.com/post/new-3gpp-study-on-media-production-over-5g-npn
In particular, we are interested in discussing how the diverse set of media production and transport protocols that may have to interface and be supported by the 5G System.
Replay the Part I of the Workshop (note this is a playlist with 5 videos)
Welcome Ian Wagdin (CP-C Chair, BBC) Download Presentation Slides (not yet available)
The technical activities in 5G-MAG Thibaud Biatek (CP-T Chair, ATEME) Download Presentation Slides (not yet available)
Technical Report on Media Production and 5G NPNs Thorsten Lohmar (3GPP SA4 Study Item NPN4AVPROD Rapporteur, Ericsson) Download Presentation Slides (not yet available)
QoS and Prioritization David Butler, Ivan Hassan (BBC) Download Presentation Slides (not yet available)
We would like to get input around several aspects on the workflows supporting wireless connectivity. Please help us here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfav1uEAIAuclUgfGeaAWfVR7OBH7OlCxu_HLTw_2ZLOEoE2w/viewform
Download information about the NPN4AVProd Study Item here:
Wednesday 15th December 2021 15:00 - 17:00 CEST
Open event. Free registration and participation
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
More information at: gimenez@5g-mag.com