Some data...
BBC (Public Service Media - Content Provider)
Cisco (Infrastructure)
CloudNet (Infrastructure)
Lime Microsystems (Infrastructure)
University of Strathclyde (Academia and Public Institutions)
Orkney Islands Council (Academia and Public Institutions)
"BBC ‘5G Radio’ App with 13 live BBC radio stations (broadcast on handsets)
"BBC Sounds" App, with live (broadcast) and on-demand content (unicast) together seamlessly in a single App
May 2018 – September 2019 (17 months, 8 months of which were public user trials)
Orkney Islands (UK)
FeMBMS (Release 14) / LTE-based 5G Broadcast (Release 16)
Equipment and Infrastructure
"Rel-12: unicast + broadcast eMBMS; Rel-14: broadcast-only FeMBMS"
"eMBMS (Rel-12): A single LimeNet base station in Orkney connected to an omni-directional antenna with a local core network providing a service to 30 broadcast-capable handsets provided to members of the public;
FeMBMS (Rel-14): Demonstration of a BBC-developed 5G Broadcast hardware modem (modulator/demodulator)."
Spectrum / Frequencies
700 MHz
Main Goals
Better understand the practicalities of using and the performance of 3GPP broadcast modes;
Gain insight into audience behaviour and perceptions of the service;
Explore the feasibility of enabling existing BBC applications (such as BBC Sounds) for the playback of services provided over the broadcast modes.
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