5G-MAG has participated at the 3GPP SA1 Workshop on IMT-2030 Use Cases by providing inputs and views from our membership. The work on this inputs have been conducted at WG UC with David Vargas (BBC) acting as rapporteur.
5G-MAG views have been presented by 5G-MAG's Head of Technology, Jordi J. Giménez, who also participated in a panel with other industry organizations. Detailed information about this 3GPP-led workshop can be found at: 3GPP Stage-1 Workshop on IMT2030 Use Cases
If 3GPP kick-starts technology developments towards 2030, these are views, principles and example use cases worth considering.
Key design principles
Media Traffic driving Mobile Data Traffic
Increasing media production, consumption, storage, processing over mobile and data networks
Immersive applications with higher bandwidth requirements can further increase data volumes
Warning on transmission cost CDN egress bandwidth
Concerns on Sustainability and Cost
Design principles: Sustainability
The 6G System should positively contribute towards reducing mobile network energy consumption while still meeting traffic demand
Design principles: Cost Reduction
Cost reduction for operators and users to foster technology adoption
Help reducing the cost of video delivery
Design principles: Operation, Automation, Security
Enhancing deployability, efficiency, operational cost
Secure data framework
Exposure of data and management options to service providers
Example of use cases, services and applications which could be supported
Uplink Streaming and Content Production
Media services, including AR/VR and interaction, require low latency, low jitter and low packet loss.
6G should emphasize on APIs driven by services and applications
Content Delivery and Streaming
Continue and accelerate the integration of Media Services to the 3GPP global delivery platform – economy of scale
Build on existing architectures: 5G Media Delivery Architecture and IMS
No revolution, but evolution and adaptation to 6G core, radio and design principles
Example use case: High-Fidelity Inflight entertainment with Non-Terrestrial Networks
Media Beyond 2D
Example use case: Network assisted AI agents: Fitness, sports, games…:
Example use case: AI augmented watch party
eXtended Reality and Immersive Media
Example use case: Massively Interactive Live Events & Digital Twins
Example use case: Enhancing remote multiplayer e-gaming
Example use case: Extending remote participation towards perceived physical presence
If 6G specifications are to be developed towards 2030,
Support enhancing Network APIs
Simple, intuitive, on-demand, and elastic access to network resources, capabilities and analytics
Hiding complexity of federated telco capabilities, open the network for innovation
Focus on Developer-friendly and implementable specs
APIs, code, examples, git-environments, exchange with developers, testing, evaluation, code, reference software
Help 3GPP developing specifications
Against meaningful KPIs for media services and supporting gap analysis to justify why new RAT is needed
Evolve technology based on experiences and learning
building principles established in 5G