We are thrilled to announce the availability of new 5G-MAG Reference Tools to develop Volumetric Video experiences.
All information can be found in our GitHub documentation: https://5g-mag.github.io/Getting-Started/pages/v3c-immersive-platform
A major contribution by InterDigital and Philips makes available the “V3C Immersive Platform” as part of the 5G-MAG Reference Tools.
The new reference tools are currently accessible under “Early Access" (http://www.5g-mag.com/early-access)
The initial contributions include a V3C Unity Player to visualize, test, and demo content, including support for real-time V-PCC (ISO/IEC 23090-5) and MIV (ISO/IEC 23090-12) rendering on Windows / Android. Support for V3C DASH streaming and a V3C DASH Packager tool are in the backlog.
The release of the open-source repositories helps developers get started with using standardized technologies in the Volumetric Video ecosystem and enables the creation of content and video players that can consume it.
The initial contributions to the repositories include:
· A Unity package (rt-v3c-unity-player) to decode and play V3C content in Unity
· A decoder plugin library (rt-v3c-decoder-plugin) with V-PCC and MIV synthesizers plugins needed for the rendering of the V3C contents.
A big thanks to the contributors from InterDigital and Philips.