This is a report produced by the 5G-MAG Workgroup EaR (Ecosystem and Regulation).
Current version of the report: v.1.0
Date of publication: 28th October 2024
The implementation and deployment of mobile technologies as part of media production workflows paves the way for a new ecosystem of equipment, devices and roles in the industry.
With this new ecosystem, new roles emerge, which need new definitions and clarification in their responsibilities. Some of these roles have been around for a long time but, over the years, their meaning or ownership have changed. Other roles are completely new in the context of media production and therefore require a precise introduction to foster understanding and support for them.
This report:
introduces traditional roles for media production and contribution based on RF/OFDM links,
explains the vertical ecosystem within 5G,
introduces new roles for content production and contribution networks based on NPNs, and
defines responsibilities of and dependencies between these new roles.
5G-MAG welcomes feedback from the community to this document.
If you have comments on the report, please submit them using our GitHub repository for "Request for Feedback" https://github.com/5G-MAG/Requests-for-Feedback
5G-MAG members may take further actions on this document according to the comments received.
