This is a report produced by the 5G-MAG Workgroup EaR (Ecosystem and Regulation).
Current version of the report: v.1.0
Date of publication: 12th July 2023
This report focuses on the spectrum access models and frequency bands suitable for the deployment of Non-Public Networks (NPN) for live media production scenarios, including those captured in the 5G-MAG Report "Towards a comprehensive 5G-based toolbox for live media production".
This report provides:
a description of spectrum access models in different frequency bands that would enable deploying NPNs. Examples of different approaches to spectrum access by administrations are also given;
information on the bands defined in the 5G standards where NPNs may potentially be deployed;
discussion on relevant spectrum access requirements for the deployment of NPNs for media production applications.
5G-MAG welcomes feedback from the community to this document.
If you have comments on the report, please submit them using our GitHub repository for "Request for Feedback" https://github.com/5G-MAG/Requests-for-Feedback
5G-MAG members may take further actions on this document according to the comments received.
