The Work Items are developed within the Workgroups. Additionally, 5G-MAG has established external groups to collaborate on relevant topics and/or with external organizations.

The WG Use Cases, Requirements and Opportunities is responsible for enabling the incubation and on-boarding of new ideas on services and applications proposed by the members. It also handles the relevant tasks from the Work Items assigned to the workgroup. In particular, those including but not limited to:
Collection and analysis of use cases, i.e. the specific situation in which a service or application could potentially be used.
Definition of service and application requirements in relation to the identified use cases
Assessment of the market opportunities and analysis of the expected impact, advantages and challenges behind the proposed use cases
In conducting these tasks, the workgroup will be instrumental for:
Gathering information and data from reliable sources
Liaising with relevant stakeholders on the development of the proposed use cases
Facilitating exchange among the members and the industry

WG UC Co-Chair
Roland Beutler
The WG Content Production - Standards and Architectures is responsible for the technology and standards aspects relevant to media contribution (e.g. uplink streaming) and production (e.g. local area networks or non-public networks). In particular, it handles the tasks from the Work Items relevant to:
Definition, development and recommendation of system architecture and end-to-end solutions
Evaluation of technical requirements and KPIs
Examination of key emerging technologies from standard-development organizations and how they may support defined use cases
Identification of technical features in network equipment and user devices to enable defined use case.
Provision of technical feedback and contribution towards standard-development organizations.
Elaboration of technical guidelines, profiles and recommendations with a focus on technical implementation and deployments.

WG CP Co-Chair
Jens Pilz
The WG Content Distribution - Standards and Architectures is responsible for the technology and standards aspects relevant to media distribution, applications and services. In particular, it handles the tasks from the Work Items relevant to:
Definition, development and recommendation of system architecture and end-to-end solutions
Evaluation of technical requirements and KPIs
Examination of key emerging technologies from standard-development organizations and how they may support defined use cases
Identification of technical features in network equipment and user devices to enable defined use case.
Provision of technical feedback and contribution towards standard-development organizations.
Elaboration of technical guidelines, profiles and recommendations with a focus on technical implementation and deployments.

WG CD Chair
David Vargas
The WG Development and Implementation is responsible for:
Driving the implementation of Reference Tools to validate and verify standards
Driving the implementation of Reference Tools to be used in demonstrations and production environments
Exchange and collaborate with reference software programs in other organizations (e.g. DASH-IF, DVB, CTA Wave, etc) to support end-to-end implementations
Monitor trials and interact with test-beds to collect data relevant for understanding technology features, performance and technology readiness
Learn more about the 5G-MAG Reference Tools Development Programme at developer.5g-mag.com

Development Coordinator
Daniel Silhavy
Fraunhofer FOKUS
The WG Ecosystem and Regulation is responsible for handling the tasks in the Work Items relevant to:
Helping understanding regulatory frameworks and policies for the use of mobile technologies for media applications (e.g. spectrum access, network and device aspects,...).
Defining strategies towards technology deployment and feasible deployment scenarios
Identifying stakeholders within the ecosystem and their roles on the deployment and operation scenarios.
This WG is meant to:
Manage external communication of 5G-MAG activities
Establish relations and liaise with key external stakeholders relevant to 5G-MAG’s activities
Identify relevant promotion opportunities (events)
Maintain a calendar of events relevant for 5G-MAG and arrange appropriate contributions and actions